Wednesday, 24 January 2007

A week of Tournaments (Killing Phil)

Just in case you guys thought I was not posting my results anymore, it has simply been because I have hardly played any micro limit poker in the last week.

I received a new book I had ordered called "Kill Phil" and was inspired to play a few small stakes tournaments.

My Results were as follows.

Lost quite a few but had 2 big wins

$10 short handed tourney 64 entrants 1st Place -$224
$3 Buy in to ladders tournament second place - $300

oh yes and for $5 I have won a seat onto the GBPT final to qualify for GBPT in Edinburgh

lost about $50 altogether with other buyins but was more than impressed with my results.

The question is will I switch to tourneys.
I don't know, the variance is much greater and a few night you just lose after hours of work, while as in limit you seem to win most nights and the variance is not that great if you play well, I will keep you posted.

Anyway the book I used as a primer for these tourneys was Kill Phil see link below, and if you are considering buying it please use the link below and help support my blog.

Kill Phil is excellent for beginners (but all levels can get something out of it) and gave me a few insights that I never saw before, a sort of extension on Harrington's Low 'M' Theory in lots of ways. Anyway if you are serious about tourneys I would also recommend Harrington's books which are must reads and can be bought from my astore (click here to open).

Anyway good luck at the tables whatever your chosen format, just remember that they vary greatly and pick a format that suits you and your temperament.



Anonymous said...

this sounds great :) nethertheless playing tournaments can be very frustration, and you have to play different compared to cash games ... the blindraise forces you to play weaker hands and luck is a much bigger factor, since more people will go all in, you are not that much in control of the game, nethertheless the amount won per hour can be much more

again asking about that ladder tourn. this means like climbing the ladder from 3 $ to 300 $ playing 3 to 4 rounds or so ? did you have to win every round or was 2nd place good enough each time ?

lets hope your 2nd try to get to the gbpt works out better than last time ! but since you won some tourn. now it looks really good for you i think !

btw. the book you told me to buy is it this one ?

Peter said...

HI Razor, yes that is the book i will place a link in my store for british buyers this week.

The ladders is

top 3 for 3 rounds


Anonymous said...

well top 3 in each round sounds really easy, where did you play these ? not at pokerroom right ?

im just trying some sit in 5 $ buyin 30 player turnaments at the moment, on my first try i got to the final table but went all in with the 3rd highest chipstack holding AJ off in hope to take a big step torwards the win, but lost it all LOL

Peter said...

Hi razor

if it is easy where does the money come from


Anonymous said...

well it just sounds easy to make the 3rd place in every round, dont know if it is really that easy just imagined it is :)

Peter said...

Hi Razor

well the first round is always easy but by the third and fourth all the fish have been weeded out, so you have to use all the wepons in your arsenel to win.

with 100 to 1 return for coming second believe me a lot of people have to lose for you to win.

The fact that is sounds so easy is what attracts the fish.


Anonymous said...

i just watch you play right now in that 5 $ buyin multitable turnament :) you do pretty well 5800 chipstack and 8th place right now :) hope you win it, ill keep watching you now ;)

Anonymous said...

just saw that 777 66 full house, where you 2 went all in, damn you were soooo lucky that the 7 came on the river, otherwise it would have been over .. i still cant belive it :)

Peter said...

aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggh dontg watch I am just having fun
i am not playing seriously but trying a new tactic i read in a book as an experiment.

now i am self conscious


Peter said...

now i have the table tilting I will tighten up a bit.

Bourne is seriously pissed


Peter said...

well totqalyy stacked of on a draw but learnt a few things

better luck next time


Anonymous said...

nethertheless it was fun to watch :) you had a lot of luck 2 times at least, didnt work that well the next time :(

the gbpt is much more important than this lil 5 $ buyin !!! good luck !

Anonymous said...

hi peter, did you play the big online turnament yet ? how was it ?

i do pretty good right now, won a couple of dollars at the 15 / 30 cent tables, then i decided to go to a 25 / 50 cents table, playing 3 supermicrotables and 1 of the next blind level .... did not work out so well, i only lost at the 25 / 50 cents table and wonder why, i played the same way all the time .... well maybe i just got bad cards ... cant think that the players there are different from the 15 / 30 tables

btw. didnt you want to write an article about potbuilding ;)

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