As a follow up from my earlier article entitled "Pot Odds versus Pot Commitment"
I thought I would write about when to bet.
When do I bet?
Funny Question!!!
Not really
If You have read SSHE (
Small Stakes Hold em which you can purchase from amazon by clicking here), you will quite quickly find out that Poker is gambling,
Blasphemy I hear you say.
Not really any time you place money on an outcome that is unknown you are gambling whether it is a pension investment or a lottery ticket. The smart gambler knows a good bet that is all, a smart gambler gets his money in with the best hand or in the surefire investment.
Now That instantly makes you think I will just play tight with Positive EV and I am not gambling,
WRONG you are still gambling. At the microliimits a raise will get 5-6 callers so your Pocket Aces lose a lot.
Then I will just call preflop and "Fit or Fold" would be the next logical conclusion.
WRONG You are leaving money on the table if you do this. As usual I will give you no maths as I am lazy but I have looked up my stats on Pocket aces and they win 70% of the time.
What does this mean?
It means I am getting 6 or 7 to 1 on a bet preflop that I am 2-3 favourite to win. Why would I not bet on this?
In fact any hand that wins more than 20% of the time and gets 5 callers is a good preflop bet.
What does this mean?
It means we can loosen up when the table loosens up. It means that marginal hands become profitable the more callers we expect.
They won’t win more often but when they do they win more.
So back to the point
WHEN TO GAMBLE we gamble in the early rounds preflop and before the turn.
- Well firstly the outcome is unknown so it must be gambling.
- We might get the better hand to fold when we are aggressive.
- We build a big pot to scoop because people don’t fold in the early rounds.
- We build a wreckless image that the more observant players misunderstand.
Now please reread everything I wrote above and understand the following before hitting the tables.
I advocate loosening up on a loose passive table (NOT Playing loose) I play a semi loose game at these levels that varies between 25-35% vpip.
Still play tight in early positions, Position is always important in poker.
Read my starting hands post linked on the right to get an idea of what sort of hands to play.
After the turn play even tighter – check your pot odds etc – do not become a fish.
Micro limit Poker is an amazing game that most people misunderstand , they think how can you win when everyone calls (This is why you win). They think that it is a lottery. No the rules of Poker still apply and Good play takes the money in the long run. What you have to do is adjust and play in a way that maximises the mistakes of the other players to take maximum money.
The beauty of this is Micro limit poker is so much fun because of it. You become the aggressor a lot you take down pots that at higher levels you wouldn’t have looked at, You get lots of bad beats. It is a roller coaster but an uphill one low risk great reward for a good player.
Anyway that is me for now I hope you have found this useful.