Sunday, 31 December 2006

Site taking Off

Hi all

This site has now been running for less than a month and it has gathered a small readership, from all round the world.

I am loving watching how many people are reading my site and hope this continues, however most of you are coming and leaving without giving me any feedback or questions.

I love Poker and have read lots on it and although I am not a professional but a hobbyist I do consistently make money. I will over the coming weeks be writing a few articles on how I believe the best method at the really low limits and how much you can earn, keep reading.

Ideas I have had so far are.

1. Pot Building versus Pot Commitment.
2. Player types and how to adjust.
3. Bankroll management.
4. Limit versus No Limit.
5. Temperament and humility.
6. Poker books and resources.

  • Let me know what you wish to read.
  • Let me know if you make money.
  • Let me know if you lose.
  • Let me know what you disagree with in my style of play.

I would love to discuss any aspect off poker with you, So leave a post in this thread and lets start a small Micro Limit community.

Ask away or blether away I look forward to hearing from you.



Anonymous said...

1. Pot Building versus Pot Commitment.

4. Limit versus No Limit.

these two sound interesting, would be nice to read something about these topics in the near future :) thx