Sunday, 31 December 2006

Site taking Off

Hi all

This site has now been running for less than a month and it has gathered a small readership, from all round the world.

I am loving watching how many people are reading my site and hope this continues, however most of you are coming and leaving without giving me any feedback or questions.

I love Poker and have read lots on it and although I am not a professional but a hobbyist I do consistently make money. I will over the coming weeks be writing a few articles on how I believe the best method at the really low limits and how much you can earn, keep reading.

Ideas I have had so far are.

1. Pot Building versus Pot Commitment.
2. Player types and how to adjust.
3. Bankroll management.
4. Limit versus No Limit.
5. Temperament and humility.
6. Poker books and resources.

  • Let me know what you wish to read.
  • Let me know if you make money.
  • Let me know if you lose.
  • Let me know what you disagree with in my style of play.

I would love to discuss any aspect off poker with you, So leave a post in this thread and lets start a small Micro Limit community.

Ask away or blether away I look forward to hearing from you.


Friday, 29 December 2006

Have a seat in the GBPT monthly final on eurobet

came 2nd in the 2nd stage though led all the way and the last 2 places were all in all the way as the prize was the same.

I am very pleased with myself as normally am a limit guy and this was NL.

So now I have a ticket to the final for a seat at the GBPT
1 in 22 people get a seat at the GBPT event in Edinburgh.

see links below for details

Thursday, 28 December 2006

Last nights results

Hi All

As I had been off line for days I played till the wee hours last night.

I started off playing like a donkey (Too keen to play I guess)and dropped about 70bb, however as you might have guessed I calmed down and won it back with more. below are my results just click on them to get a better view.

Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Happy Christmas

Well besides having my phone and Internet down for the last 4 days I've had a great Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all readers and have a great New Year Keep your eye posted for articles from over the coming year and hopefully we will all have a profitable new year.


Thursday, 21 December 2006

Results and being watched

Having had a post From Ed Miller on my site I have been inspired to keep the blog up to date.

So First as promised here are todays results.

The circumstances of my Thursday game is normally that I play with an audience, in that my Fatherin Law watches me, He doesn't play himself but he loves to watch me play and finds it amazing how much I win.

This actually helps my game because I have to explain my thinking out loud, He thinks I am up by way more than I am most of the time and even thinks I'm winning when I'm losing and I bring him down to earth.

However it is impossible to gon on tilt when you explain to someone else out loud that bad beats are good as they "feed the fish" and just move on.

He still doesn't get that but I find I play well with him watching and lose normally, but I play well and that is what matters.

Anyway less ranting here are my results as promised. As you can see nothing to write home about but a not bad bb/Hour

p.s. if anyone knows how to get this info out of PT as text let me know I have done a screen dump.

Now I would be interested in anyone elses experience of being watched while playing, does it help-do you get too tight etc?

Thursday, 14 December 2006

Starting Hands

Hi all

As you become better at poker you will play by feel and know when to limp when to check raise when to fold etc, but as a beginner it you will be a fish- you will see too many hands and stay with them too long.

This is the way of things with Poker and it is why all new players lose money.

Although I believe most money is made post flop the first and most important leak all new players should fix is there starting hand selection.

Now most poker books will advocate a tight selection, which is fine if you want to be a "weak tight" player. You will make money-just you will never move up and you will never make a lot.

When I first started out I read a lot of books and finally made the following crib sheet for starting hands - I printed it out and referred tit constantly. Tell me what you think.o

Best Site for low limit players

Just thought I would make a post about my favourite resource.

and get his books here

As a beginning poker player I admired players like Doyle Brunson, Layne Flack, Chris Moneymaker, Dan Harrington and Chris Ferguson.

Although I still admire these players as they must play well I realise that they are not the role model a low (micro) limit player should be following, these are tourney players who have made big scores.

Don't get me wrong, I like all players, want top make that big score and will continue to try, though my primary aim in poker is more humble. I want to make as much money as possible with as little risk as possible.

Now to do that I want to play weak players. There are many types of weak players and I will make a post about the different types I come across at a later date (please remind me).

Now how do I play weak players. I must play in the salt mines of lower limits, and that is where I grind (sounds bad but quite fun honest).

As usual I am rambling and going off topic (slap myself) . This post was about the best site for micro limit players and the reason I rambled the way I did was because you may not have heard of him, but Ed Miller is "the" best writer and best resource for low limit players as he teaches you how to play these weak players.
Don't just take my word for it- read his site - buy his books.
(I get no commission by the way) wish I did.

The great thing about Ed Miller is he also takes the time to answer any questions you have- from should I move up a limit to how did I play this hand.
His answers are always well thought out and written well with strong reasoning.

As I said don't take my word for it read his site ask him questions

BUT also read mine. I may not be as good as him yet but I will tell it how it is tell you how to make money at the microlimits, even Ed focuses on low limits and there are differences.

I will post very soon on this very subject

KEEP reading

Tuesday, 12 December 2006


Here I will Post my results every time I play.

I will detail.

  • Limit Played at
  • Number of tables
  • Final result
  • Observations
  • Lessons learnt

and any other relevant information.

click on the results link on the right hand side to see postings.

Noted Poker Authority

I have added a feed from Ed Millers Blog at the bottom of the page.


Please comment about anything on my blog.

good or bad I rely on your feedback and suggestions to make this site a useful low limit poker resource.

any feedback please add to this thread.

Poker tracker results

As I am starting a new poker tracker database due to my current database running too slow I thought I would publish my results so far.

Favourite Poker Sites

Here is a list of my favourite poker sites and resources.